Monthly Archives: September 2015

Etixx Product Testing

Sometimes getting to look at new product is a bit anti climatic an unknown, sometimes expensive item/s that leaves you with more questions than before your grubby hands got to hold it and more often you cant real world test it on the spot.  Most of the products we stock we use or we’ve had someone test for us with feed back given on how it works.

The new occasionally makes us take a second look at a current product that works, but is new better?  Nutrition is one area that is ever evolving and different for everyone enter Etixx while not new as such in NZ its relatively unheard of.  Recently shown to us we asked some question about it got some samples to test out and went testing.


Only tried the orange isotonic mix under the recovery:
First impression it tastes like a real orange and isn’t so sweet that you mix it half strength and still find it borderline.


I hate my work, its hard but the view was worth while

Second impressions are it works, I had no stomach issue and tastes nice.  After ride impression also was positive it didn’t have the nasty after ride crash effect some energy/electrolyte mixes have on me.   This time I only tried the isotonic to get a base line result and I’m keen to try out the recovery next up along with it.

It’s not my bag

It’s yours.
It’s the small touches that make us who we are and while I can’t ride the weekends mission was to print some tote bags. After making the stamp, I must stop saying “It’s not that hard you just need to…” But I wont.

Like the bikes wheeled out the door no two are the same.